Sunday, November 10, 2019


                                        Sat.9Nov2019  Forensic Files Wed.13Nov2019

                       Honor our Veterans, Widow Sharon acquired all Propertys before Coveture .
                        Ted Sick to my Stomach as Similar Situation happend to Disabled Sharon and 2nd Husband Cpl James R. Anderson. triggering heinous PTSD on a Marine and his Wife.  NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON FRAUD OR SharonScarrella Home with Tenants in Common. at Homestead 1058 Summitt Ave.St. Paul,MN 55105  Taxes paid,Flipped over 10 times without Just Compensations.                     
                    Has City Council enbanc,Mayor and City Attorney created Heinous,Bizzare Issues via Revenue Raising Resolutions without Due Process's,Quiet Titles,Owenship,Clairfication of Bogus DSI Building Inspectors unk, to create Invalid Invoices,scattered dates to force hearings before Marcia Mormond, Jurisdiction/Authority, illegal delegation of Power, plus 4.5% interest if not paid.?
                  Secret hearing involving Federal Case Law ie City Chicago vs Federal Communications Commission
As Amended on Denial of Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc March 22, 2000* ?
                          Sharon by and thro Grace of God must challenge Citys Condemnations
                         In 603 Edmund St. Paul,MN City arbitrarily Condemn,Order to Vacate, Kidney Dyalis Patient, Denys the Pettiford and Family to pay the alleged Tax Lien then on Council Agenda Wed.13Nov2019 delays Forfeitures for 6 months.

St. Paul man's catch-22

11/13/2019Export to iCalendar3:30 PMCouncil Chambers - 3rd FloorMeeting detailsAgenda AgendaNot availableNot available
11/13/2019Export to iCalendar2:00 PM310W Conference Room, City Hall
Closed door session to discuss pending litigation in City of Chicago, et al v. Federal Communications Co
199 F3d 424 City of Chicago v. Federal Communications Commission | OpenJuristmmission, et al.

shows impact of 'accelerated ...

1/13/2019Export to iCalendar2:00 PM310W Conference Room, City Hall
Closed door session to discuss pending litigation in City of Chicago, et al v. Federal Communications Commission, et al.
Meeting detailsAgenda Agenda

RES 19-191713Withhold 2019 Tax-Forfeit parcels from public sale for 6 months to decide public useResolutionAuthorizing the withholding of tax-forfeit parcels from public sale for six months. › 2019/11/02 › st-paul-mans-catch-22-case-rev...

7 days ago - By Tad Vezner | | Pioneer Press ... which the foreclosure happened to the home at 603 Edmund Avenue came as a ...

Sicko-City StPaul
603 Edmond Pettifords - Google Search

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019


When Melvin Carter III sponsored Condemnation 603 Edmund 2013 as City Council, now as Mayor Carter HOT SEAT.  2019
RLH OA 19-9212repurchase application, 603 Edmund AvenueResolution LH Other Appeal TypeMaking recommendation to Ramsey County on the application of Wesley Eugene Pettiford for Repurchase of Tax Forfeited Property at 603 EDMUND AVENUE.

Authorizing the withholding of tax-forfeit parcels from public sale for six
Sponsors: Brendmoen
Exhibit A_Cover Letter 2019
Exhibit B _2019 Property List w Maps
City of Saint Paul - Meeting of City Council on 11/13/2019 at 3:30 PM
RES 19-19721122019 Election Canvass and ResultsResolutionCanvassing the returns and declaring the results of the City General Election held November 5, 2019. (To be amended with the results of the reallocation
Ord 19-7111924.03 Financial DisclosuresOrdinanceAmending Chapter 24.03 of the Administrative Code related to financial disclosure requirements.

Ord 19-67220 OrdinanceAmending section 220.05 of the Legislative Code to set rates for base level garbage service to be effective January 1, 2020.
11/13/2019Export to iCalendar2:00 PM310W Conference Room, City Hall
Closed door session to discuss pending litigation in City of Chicago, et al v. Federal Communications Commission, et
City of Saint Paul - Calendaral.
Meeting detailsAgenda Agenda

1/6/2019Export to iCalendar3:30 PMCouncil Chambers - 3rd Floor
Public Hearings at 3:30 and 5:30 p.m.
Meeting detailsAgenda AgendaNot availableVideo Video

Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella 651-776-5835
LEGAL NOTICE: /s/ ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, 

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